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Fahad Bin Zahid

Think Like a Monk

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Reflection on the summary from Lucid app:

Happiness as well as attention, memory , learning is associated with Gamma wave.

Anyone can develop monk mentality


Our identity is like a dirty mirror which is difficult to see through. These dirts are the values that we do not agree with like wealth and prestige. Values are like what is most important to us and what we feel that should guide us.

Mind is like a sponge that absorbs everything. Try to pick those values that are actually true to me.


Cancers of mind: Comparing, complaining, criticising.

Negativity has feedback loop and influence our behaviour. If you speak neg of others, you start negatively about yourself and vice versa.

Neg thoughts about those three


  2. Be more specific about negativity ( don’t say upset, say disappoonted, angry etc)

  3. Write a journal of negative event to grow

  4. Write on how many time in a week you compared, complained and critcised then reduce it to zero


When do you come? When do I feel you?

Where do you come from?

After asking this question, try to detach yourself from fear (recognise it something external to you)

Before making decision, ask yourself if you actually want to do something , or if fear is making you?


Go to bed early, write down what you want to do tomorrow

Wake up early


Start your day calmly. Listen to nature

Meditation (reflections on the creations and be thankful)


What are you thankful for? Write it down

Make your bed


Two wolves of our mind are in constant battles

Feed the one with kindness, love, positivity , humility

This will be dcided by how we spend our time, who we hang out with (not neg persons) , what we read ,what we focus on.

Identify the negative thoughts by

  1. Reflection on the creations and be thankful

  2. Writing down and reframe the thoughts into more positive ( I am not good at this- I am doing something to get better at this) , dont write the problems


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