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My Third Anniversary- a lazy Saturday..wait, what?

Fahad Bin Zahid

Yes that's true.

Life as a doctor in the UK is no joke. When you reach Saturday after a long week, your body and mind goes into sleep mode on Saturday. How did I spend my third Anniversary?

As most of you might know, I am an acute medical trainee working as a registrar in the UK. This year I have taken a year out from my training to do Stroke medicine for a year. So far the last two months have been very productive and learnt quite a bit. I will not be doing on calls during this year. This is only a 9-5 job. Amazing isn't it? or Is it?


Main reason is 1 )during on calls you get off days during week days intermittently which let you do quite a lot of things which can not be done on a weekend when you feel like go into a hibernation/sleep mode. 2) Paid 1200-1400GBP more (pre-tax) for doing on calls. 3) You get to see varieties of patient and get to solve many things as a medical registrar, and at the end of the day you become a little bit more confident and a better medical doctor.

Anyways, enough of blabbering. Its only for a year. At the end of July next year, hopefully (InshAllah) I will be confidently able to manage a patient coming with stroke and at the end of my training of acute medicine , I will be able to work as a stroke physician, as well as a medical consultant, This is an amazing opportunity (Alhamdulillah) , according to me.

I started blabbering again isn't it?

On a typical Saturday morning I am lazy. That's for sure. This is 100% true. This is because I am still charging my battery. So when I wake up next morning (Sunday), I will be 100% recharged and happy.

What did I do/not do today?

  1. Woke up. at 6:00am, WHAT? yes. When did you sleep? Well, around 11:30. It has now become a habit to wake up at this time. BIOLOGICAL CLOCK.

  2. Freshened up (Cleaning teeth with Siwak before every prayer is what our Prophet PBUH used to do and it is recommended for all- when I remember this sunnah I try to follow this, and this is indeed a healthy habit).

  3. Prayed my morning Prayer.

  4. Recited Quran

  5. Wished my Wife happy Anniversary

  6. Did some facebooking (this step should have been skipped). this were nowhere in my work book. My work book says , You should delete Facebook app. Which I did many times in the past.

  7. Went back to Sleep after 5 mins of scrolling , Woke up after 2 hours.

  8. Now There were some confusion about out marriage anniversary date. people from family saying this is actually tomorrow. There were few discussion and debate around this in the early part of the morning. Then I had pull out few photos and documents (pretty embarrassing ,I know) to confirm this , Yes . Today is our Anniversary. Anyways, both me and my wife are similar in this regards. We are not very celebrating dates kind of person. We celebrate when we feel like it . No one should wait for a special occasion to celebrate. So its fine..

  9. Prepared breakfast, had a cup of tea, watched TV

  10. Spoke to F&F in Bangladesh over the phone.

  11. I did some procrastination in later part of the morning. I think I'm allowed to have some kind of procrastination on Saturday ( I tell myself this is part of me, charging my battery)

  12. Exercised about 20mins, my exercise means playing ping pong in VR (its very addictive and I have managed to maintain my weight surprisingly well with this activity). I am actually planning to sell my VR headset. Hoping someday Apple to bring out VR headset and definitely gonna buy that one. For me, anything addictive is not worth your time.

  13. Then Watched some videos on Youtube (Productive ones).

  14. I try to avoid any sort of studying on Saturday unless I feel like studying. So no studying today.

  15. Feeling pretty fresh then ended up having moderately heavy carbohydrate rich lunch and as imagined, went back to sleep mode again.

  16. Took my wife to a tailoring shop. Whilst waiting , continued reading a book on the phone.

  17. Went to a local Chai shop to have Afternoon tea and Samosa chat (Desi - Chotpoti )

  18. In the Evening , we went to a restaurants to celebrate our wedding anniversary like a good couple. waited 50 mins for food after order. Did some photo session in the meantime (selfies). Promised each other , We are never coming to this restaurant again. (Food was pretty good though) But we guessed, it is short staffed like everywhere.

  19. Planned to go to Birmingham to have some buffet. But there are people who are drunk on the street, everywhere, on Saturday night. Saying this from bad experience. (I must admit, I am afraid of these people. As they can be unpredictable, even though I regularly manage alcohol intoxication related admission in the hospital, but outisde the hospital setting is different) So we decided to postpone that plan. There is another reason. While driving back, there will be drunk drivers, driving at high speed which makes the road very unsafe on Saturday night, specially on motor route.

  20. I am finishing my day with this DAY IN LIFE blog hope everyone will enjoy reading this. (whoever came this far by taking the time to read. Thanks)


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