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Fahad Bin Zahid

Hajj Al Tamattu Episode 7: Arafat

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

We spent around 24 hours in Mina. Wrist bands were provided to us for using trains. Just after Isha prayer on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah we made our way to the train station. We took only few things in our backpack, left main bag in Mina. We regretted later as this was still appeared heavy. Items for Arafat, Muzdalifah, Jamarat should be kept as minimum as possible as it ivolves lots of walking. It was finally the time to go to Arafat, which is the most important place. As hadith says that 'Hajj is Arafah' (Abu Dawud).

I felt conditions in Arafat a bit more challenging than Mina. The facilities were almost similar to Mina. The train journey was impressive and it took less than 30 mins to reach Arafat. I was told these train services are only open during Hajj,

Arafat is the place where you must be from noon to sunset. We were sent a message from Saudi Gov that we would face intense heat wave on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah. Couple of my fellow Hajjis went to Masjid al-Namirah. This mosque runs Khutba only during the day of Arafat. However this mosque is not within the boundaries of Arafat per se and a bit far if someone is walking. So you must return to Arafat to fulfil the obligatory step of Hajj. I initially thought I would go there in the morning , but my wife was not answering my call so I had to post pone the plan. Female Hajjis were in a different tent. Turned out, this was indeed a blessing from Allah, as people who went had to suffer immensely from the heat wave and long walk.

You can stay anywhere within the boundaries of Arafat. You can go to Jabal Ar Rahma or Mount arafat, but this would have been really difficult. I decided to stay inside our tent and kept praying, making duas. Few occasions, I went outside and stood under trees , faced qibla to say duas. My little portable fan which I bought in the UK came really useful on this day. Phone stopped charging due to overheating. I had reasonable amount of sleep. We prayed Zuhr and Asr together in a congregation (2+2). Though there were some debate regarding this and difference of opinion. But I decided to stick to what I learnt and not get distracted.

Arafat will make you realise how people's condition would be on the day of judgement where everyone is standing in front of Allah, waiting for their turn for a decision for ultimate destination , heaven or hell. May Allah forgive all our sins.


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