Welcome to my Site..Blogging with Fahad
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, when one of you dies, he is shown his place morning and evening. If he is among the inhabitants of Paradise, then he is among the inhabitants of Paradise. If he is among the inhabitants of the Hellfire, then he is among the inhabitants of the Hellfire. It will be said: This is your place until you are raised on the Day of Resurrection.”
There is no scale to measure the changes within ourselves in a abstract world. Unless... you write, read and share with everyone around you. I have realised over the last few years, journaling and writing. perhaps a better way to see how people evolve and what matters most in life.
This place is for personal and spiritual development. I thought I would share my life experiences with you which will directly help my spiritual well-being and indirectly help others who will read about me while I enjoy my brief journey in this place called Earth. The purpose is to benefit others , and reflecting on my daily life. I am a doctor, a blogger and productivity promoter,

Turn to your Lord. Submit to Him before the punishment overtakes you and you can no longer be helped.
-Quran 39:54

Reflections on what I learn everyday will increase the productivity and help in personal growth.

A excellent way to unwind the mind and body..
My Thoughs
Reflect on the amazing creations every moment. .be thankful
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